What is Climate Change?
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Climate change demonstrates a huge gap in long-term shifts in temperatures and weather conditions. These can be as natural as a baby’s actions. It can be controllable as a lot more depends on human’s actions. Natural disaster also plays a huge role in these shifts for instance – volcanic eruptions etc. Since 1800 actions of humans have played a major role in deteriorating the climate conditions. Primary reasons of climate change are the burning of fossil fuels for instance; oil, coal, and gas etc.
Burning fossil fuels affects greenhouse gas emissions that provide a cover to wrap the earth, trap the heat of the sun and augment the temperatures. The main greenhouse gases along with carbon dioxide & methane cause climate change. These come from using gasoline for instance; to drive a car, coal for heating a building. Grass mowing and deforestation can also release carbon dioxide.
Agriculture, oil and gas operations are the major sources of methane emissions. There are many industries for instance; energy industry, transport, buildings, agriculture, and land use are the main cause of greenhouse gases. Ample actions have been taken by the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) to reduce the effect of climate change.
Global warming : an effect of human’s action
Climate scientists have done a lot of research that clearly shows the hazard side of the outcome of humans action. A lot of analysis says that humans are immensely responsible for global warming over two centuries. Actions of human beings cause a great amount of greenhouse gases which are warming the world faster than any time.
The average temperature of the earth has now reached about 1.1°C which is warmer than it was in late 1800, period before industrial revolution and warmer than at any time in the last 100,000 years. Years between 2011 to 2020 were the warmest ever as per the records, and it is breaking records in every last four decades than previous since 1850.
Many people think that due to climate change the temperature gets warmer only. But the increase in climate is the beginning of the story. Because the earth is a system where everything is connected, change in one area can easily influence others.
The outcome of climate change includes intense famine, water shortage, rising sea levels, severe fires, severe deluge, melting polar ice, storms and downfall in biodiversity.
Impact of climate change is seen in diverse ways
Climate change affects various factors of human beings for instance; health problems, ability & capacity for horticulture, olericulture, floriculture etc including other criterias like housing, safety and work. Some points are highly vulnerable from the impacts of climate changes, like people who are living in small islands, and developing countries.
We all are dealing with issues like floods, famine and earthquakes which are non-negotiable as people’s safety is concerned for us. When these situations come our way like due to rise in sea-level, and saltwater intrusion we must relocate to another place to survive. In the future, we are anticipating events like this only.
Execution & Implementation of solutions
It is high time when we need to take some action to reduce the impact of climate change as it will improve our lives, weather conditions globally, and protect the environment with a lucrative force. Through the implementation of some global frameworks we can bring huge change in several ways.
It would economically be beneficial for us to work together. Ramification can be harmful for the environment and for the progress of a nation. When we bring these discussed ideas into actions for instance; UN framework convention on climate change, sustainable development goals, and paris agreement etc will reduce the amount of deleterious effects of the outcome of climate change.
Three inevitable actions need to be implemented as follows: stop deforestation, prevent the environment from greenhouse gases, and require adjustments as per policies released by the UN.
To alleviate the impacts of it we have to focus more on renewable energy sources for instance; solar power, wind, etc that can drive the nation in the right direction with less harmful solutions.
We know that the amount of the disruption of the environment has increased since 1800 but we all have to take a pledge to implement the instructions then only we will be able to accomplish the zero emissions produced by 2050. We need to achieve half of our goal by 2030 to manage the temperature of global warming below 1.5°C. For that, we have reduced the use of electricity, oil and gas which will help to protect the environment. This will also prevent us from catastrophic natural disasters. We must prioritise our needs with the fewest resources for the better future.
Save the environment for the future generations!
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