UPSC Result 2023 Prelims is Out now: Check your Score Here
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UPSC RESULT 2023: The UPSC Civil Services Examination Prelims Result 2023 was declared on 12 June 2023 on its official website. Candidates who participated in the examination on 28 May 2023 for 1105 posts will be able to check their UPSC IAS Prelims Result now on its official website. To check the score, the candidates are advised to visit the website upsc.gov.in. by using the valid credentials like application number and password. After that, they can download the UPSC Civil Services Scorecard 2023.
However, the candidates need to download the Union Public Service Commission CSE Prelims Merit List including candidate’s details, along with the UPSC IAS Cut Off Marks 2023. I hope this article would be lucrative for all the candidates who participated in the examination to provide them details on the result and the scorecard published by UPSC.
The Union Public Services Commission had conducted the Examination on 28 May 2023. Till the time the examination was completed, the candidates awaited for the declaration of the UPSC Result 2023 to check the score obtained by candidates. The UPSC has published the answer key earlier to let the candidates assess their anticipated score before the declaration of the final result. The result will be out by June 2023 on its official website and the aspirants can use their details like application number and password used by candidates while registration to check the score through the official website upsc.gov.in.
When Will Candidates Can Check Their Result?
The candidates will be able to check the UPSC IAS Result 2023 Soon on the official website on 12 June and one should check one’s score first and then download the scorecard on one’s device. All the candidates are required to score more than the cut off marks released by UPSC to pass the examination. Those who pass the prelims examination will be able to appear in the UPSC mains examination. Later candidates who pass the UPSC mains examination will be called for the interview which would be the full and final and then they will be designated further on the bedrock of their performances.
Candidates who are shortlisted have Passed the exam by scoring more than cut off marks can check the merit list by searching their names and roll number given on the admit card. The UPSC IAS Merit List 2023 will be published on the official website. Candidates can avail himself this facility provided by us here upsc.gov.in to check their UPSC Prelims Result. The candidates can download the merit list and check their names in it. The ones who are getting their names in the merit list would be able to appear for the UPSC mains examination.
How to Check UPSC Result 2023?
- Visit the official website upsc.gov.in on your device.
- On the homepage click on the Recruitment which is highlighted on the top then click on Recruitment Test then click on Results, if you are looking for UPSC CSE Result 2023.
- Enter your inevitable details on the login page and click on the result.
- Check the score and later you can download the UPSC CSE Scorecard 2023 on your device.
- Save the scorecard for later use.