How to Link Pan Card with Aadhar Card? Step By Step Guide
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All the citizens of India have been notified that 30 June 2023 will be the last date to link up the Aadhar Card and PAN (Permanent Account Number) Card. The government has announced that it is mandatory for all taxpayers to link the Aadhaar with PAN within the deadline. Therefore, Rs.1000 would be a penalty imposed by the government of India for not linking the Aadhaar and PAN within the deadline.
If PAN-Aadhaar wouldn’t linked up till 30th June, the PAN card will be inoperative from 1st of July. Hence, ensure that your PAN is linked up with your Aadhaar.
An Aadhaar card holds a 12-digit number which has been issued to every citizen of India by the UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India). It is the number that helps to access the cardholder’s details and unique identification from the government database, for example biometrics, contact, address etc information.
Any individual can enrol himself to obtain an Aadhaar Card irrespective of age but in case a kid enrol himself then after the age of 5 that card will have you to update. The enrollment process is free of cost as per the guidelines by the government of India. Once you enrol, your details will permanently be saved in the database. One cannot have multiple Aadhaar numbers and in case one loses an Aadhar card then one can generate the card by using one’s Aadhar number.
Follow These Step By Step Guide to Link Your Aadhar with Pan Card:

The PAN-Aadhaar linking date has extended from March 31st, 2022 to June 30th, 2023. The last date to link PAN and Aadhaar without fine is, however, June 30th 2023. Now, there’s a fine of Rs.1,000 for not linking PAN-Aadhaar within time.
If you file the income tax returns without having linked PAN-Aadhaar, the income tax department will not process the returns further until it is linked. One can visit the official Income Tax e-filing website to link the PAN-AADHAAR, in this case both identity card details should be matched.
If you are not sure that your PAN-Aadhaar cards are linked, you can follow the steps given below to confirm:
1. To check the ‘PAN-Aadhaar Link Status’ visit the Income Tax e-filing portal and click on ‘Link Aadhaar Status’ on the homepage.
Now, you can see the status if your PAN & Aadhaar is not linked, a pop-up will be shown below. You can follow the steps given below to link them. If It is already linked, you can proceed further to file Income Tax returns at Cleartax.
How to link PAN Card with Aadhaar Card?
There are two steps to link your Aadhaar with your PAN:
I. Fee payment for AY 2023-24.
II. Submit a request to link your Aadhaar-PAN.
Documents to keep handy for the process:
- PAN Card
- Aadhaar Card
- Mobile number linked to Aadhaar
I. Fee payment for AY 2023-24
Follow the instructions to pay the penalty to not link PAN-Aadhaar on time:
Step 1: One can visit the Income Tax e-Filing Portal.
Step 2: Click on the ‘e-Pay Tax’ under the ‘Quick Links’ heading.
Step 3: Enter your PAN number under PAN/TAN then confirm PAN/TAN column, enter your phone number and click the continue button.
Step 4: After OTP(one time password) verification, it will be redirected to e-Pay Tax page and click on the ‘continue’ button.
Step 5: Click on the ‘Proceed’ under the ‘Income Tax’ tab.
Step 6: Select AY (assessment year) as ‘2023-24’ and Type of Payment as Other Receipts (500). Click on the ‘Continue’ button.
Step 7: The amount would be pre-filled against ‘Others’ option. So, click on the Continue and make the payment processed.
You can pay the late linking penalty on the Income Tax e-filing Portal by using debit card, net banking, NEFT/RTGS. Else, you can also pay the late linking penalty through the payment gateway option in case you have a bank account in the following authorised banks.